Legislature(1993 - 1994)

04/08/1993 02:00 PM Senate L&C

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  SENATOR   KELLY  announced   SB  79   (BOARDS,  COMMISSIONS,                 
  COUNCILS, AUTHORITIES) to be up for consideration.                           
  JOSH FINK, Legislative Aide for Senator Kelly, explained the                 
  RANDY WELKER,  Legislative Auditor, said  the only amendment                 
  he wanted them  to consider is on  page 5, line 5  where the                 
  reference  to  the  Alaska Women's  Commission  needs  to be                 
  deleted since it no longer exists.                                           
  He said  in reestablishing dates,  in a ten-year  cycle they                 
  moved some  of the Boards  to a later  date in  the ten-year                 
  cycle.    Others that  have had  problems  or have  not been                 
  reviewed recently   are in the  earlier years of the  sunset                 
  Number 276                                                                   
  CARL LOCK, Director  of Occupational Licensing, said  all of                 
  the  Boards are  self  sufficient financially.   Eliminating                 
  boards does not  save any money.   He wanted to know  if the                 
  legislature wanted to continue to license the function if it                 
  sunsets the board.  He said seven boards sunset this year if                 
  no action is taken.                                                          
  SENATOR  KELLY  asked  what  happened  with  the  electrical                 
  examiners.  MR.  FINK replied that  they had sunseted.   MR.                 
  LOCK  explained   that  licensing   requirements  for   that                 
  profession no longer exist.                                                  
  SENATOR KELLY  asked what  would happen  if the  legislature                 
  reinstated them.  MR. FINK said they would be very pleased.                  
  MR. WELKER said their licenses actually expire in August and                 
  without the  authority to  reissue licenses,  they would  go                 
  SENATOR KELLY  asked how they could be given that authority.                 
  MR. WELKER said the DOL had introduced separate legislation.                 
  SENATOR KELLY said  that legislation was  dead.  MR.  WELKER                 
  said they  could resurrect the  Board today or  transfer the                 
  authority  to  the  Division  to  issue  licenses  for  this                 
  profession in this legislation.                                              
  SENATOR KELLY asked staff to take care of that.                              
  Number 172                                                                   
  SENATOR SHARP said he had letters  from constituents who are                 
  very opposed  to HB 249,  which reestablishes  the Board  of                 
  Electrical Examiners and extends the termination date of the                 
  Board of Mechanical Examiners.                                               
  SENATOR SHARP moved to adopt a conceptual amendment adopting                 
  a committee substitute with all the  changes.  There were no                 
  objections and it was so ordered.                                            

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